Do you know the feeling, when you start talking to somebody and you immediately recognise this person as a kind of soulmate, due to several factors, which reveal themselves during conversation?
Indicating signs are -for outsiders of course- meaningless and confusing conversations and the constant muttering of "you really are scary!"" or "you are scaring me!", but still the people stay, because it's way better than any show on TV as it is live and absolutely spontaneous and the best part of it, it's completely for free. Hello, you can't help but watching! (In addition, I consider that scary part as a compliment, it makes life more interesting!)
The flow is everywhere- just like the force-thing that Luke-guy is talking about - you just have to jump in and be careful not to hit any island (for example speedo island), which might stop you.
An exception is Socks-Island, where some of us have a one-way ticket. 50% of it is natural, the rest is just about letting your brain jog around the block several times.
This can take up to about 3 hours, where major theories are discussed and the confused but attentive audience tries to jump in the flow, some manage to put their toes or even their foot in, but to move as freely and easily as we do, it takes time and some natural twist in the brain.
I think that some readers of this blog will know, what I'm talking about, especially when they know me a bit better, but if not, don't worry(you're not alone, believe me :) ).
However, I want to deny any accusations of being influenced by something else than water.
I don't need stuff like alcohol to be like that, it just comes naturally. (Mum, don't worry, I'm fine :) )
To summarize it even shorter: 3 hours of one of the most entertaining conversations I ever had, taking place by pure coincidence in the kitchen of my youth hostel in Barcelona.
Just love that city.
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2 Kommentare:
But da question is: WITH WHOOOOM???!? :D
Man, seems like your having a great time, while I am searching for a flat (I dearsay that you know that situation, don´t you?)
I´m soooo much looking forward to school, it´s almost crazy.
Ohh, crazy is the word:
Either you got that twist in the brain or you don´t.
"Insane in the meeembrain" Cypress Hill would say...
Lord, I need some place to live....
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiii.....das kennen wir zu gut diese verdrehten theorien....ich sag nur: "zimtsterne und omas chanelparfum" oder "die maat des bohnenarchipels"....das sollten wir übrigens unbedingt wieder aufgreifen! :P
aber da muss ich dem blumenkind wirklich zustimmen: WER war dein werter gesprächspartner?
achja, sorry, dass ich nicht in englisch schreib, aber mir is grad nicht danach :D
ich war schon wieder ganz brav joggen und werd mich jetzt sogar hinter meine bücher setzen!
hmmmm....ich hätt jetzt gern eine wassermelone....
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