Freitag, 24. August 2007

Where the hell did all the students go?

This time in English, for a change, so others, who might be interested in that blog too, are able to read it...

As I am running across the city, getting confused and tired more and more, I start to ask myself, where all the students went, as I have only been visiting flats of people, who are working.
My guess would be all the students residences, but as I look at the fees (around 600 euros a month) I am as taken aback as I was 4 months before, and I remember why I started looking on

Even if I would prefer living in an area with students around me, I am not willing to spend all of my money on that, because I want to be able to do other things with my money, than just to pay my flat.
Still, I am tired of running around the city, my feet hurt and I am getting confused with streets and usually my sense of orientation is pretty good, so this does indeed mean something.

Well, hopes are still up, I am phoning a girl tonight with a very promising flat and I am asking for your support, so keep your fingers and toes crossed that the girl is nice, the flat is nice and that she thinks, that I am the perfect flatmate for her!

-Sigh- I finally want to get rid of my suitcases and start to enjoy Barcelona, because up until now, I've just been running around, desperately thinking of how to get to the next flat.

Don't forget your mental support!

Miss you all!


1 Kommentar:

blumennelly hat gesagt…

What??? 600??? Are they out of their minds?
How is a student supposed to pay that lot of money?

Did I miss something like Barcelona being the richest city ever?

Oh my God! I had everything crossed which I could possibly have crossed (moving was kinda hard then....legs round up twice...)
So howsitgoin´? Gosh, I hope you do get a flat where you can do a little shopping too!!!

By now you are alone, aren´t you?
Geees, gotta go, there´s some marriage going on today and we practise at 11 A.M.
Wanna sleeeeeep!

Well, look at it from the bright sight:
You travel around a lot, have some exercise and lose weight in no time!
When you get back, you´ll be veeeeery very slim!

Hold on and have fun!
